Thursday, 23 October 2008


Melissa has tagged me.
Prepare to be bamboozled with some very exciting facts!!! :P

    1. Where is your cell phone? On the dining room table.
    2. Where is your significant other? Reclining like a sloth chops on the other side of the room. :P
    3. Your hair colour? Blonde
    4. Your mother? Is a super dooper pessimist. I try not to be like that but alas, I fail often.
    5. Your father? Cannot sit still and wigs out when the weather isn't sunny. Really. I also struggle with sitting still even though I'm lazy – go figure!
    6. Your favorite thing? Those days that just feel perfect. Little faces I have helped to create, smiling up at me.
    7. Your dream last night? A little too strange to go into, actually.
    8. Your dream/goal? To live to see my children grow into happy and healthy adults. It's a shocking cliché, but nothing else comes close in importance.
    9. The room you're in? Is strewn with toys.
    10. Your hobby? Reading, writing and cooking. Oops, that's three. Mostly reading lately.
    11. Your fear? Living with eternal heartache.
    12. Where do you want to be in six years? I'd like to be focusing on career moves as well as parenthood.
    13. Where were you last night? At home, eating Noodle Box noodles that weren't quite cooked properly. Those pricks.
    14. What you’re not? Ambitious. Fathership HATES it.
    15. One of your wish list items? A more child friendly backyard.
    16. Where you grew up? Launceston, Tasmania until age 10 and then Gold Coast, Queensland. Still here.
    17. The last thing you did? Ate way too many of those gingerbread flavoured cookies from Aldi – hey, I didn't have a container big enough for them all!
    18. What are you wearing? Trackie dacks and a singlet.
    19. Your TV? Has some sort of Pommy football (read soccer) stuff on it. Fathership's viewing.
    20. Your pet? Two female cats; Spooky and Chops.
    21. Your computer? Is my friend. My laptop blew up recently and I'm ashamed to say, it frightened me. I came close to getting a rash, I think.
    22. Your mood? Is good. Some breakthroughs have been/are being made with H1 and I'm feeling quite a bit more positive about things.
    23. Missing someone? Not really. Everyone I need is right here.
    24. Your car? Is frighteningly messy. It also has a big bag for the Vinnie's bin in it that I've resorted to pillaging from these past few days due to unseasonal chilliness hitting us on our travels.
    25. Something you’re not wearing? A bra. Thought I'd let the girls out for a while. ;)
    26. Favorite store? Let me get back to you on that one.
    27. Your summer? Will be spent whining. I prefer the cold.
    28. Love someone? Love plenty. I went through some years not loving anyone and so I'm catching up.
    29. Your favorite color? Blue
    30. When is the last time you laughed? This afternoon. H2 still snorts like a girl possessed and how anyone can pull that face and still reek of gorgeousness is beyond me... And yet, she pulls it off. :)
    31. Last time you cried? January. Somebody I loved was finding life too hard and so put a stop to it. The finality of suicide just overwhelms me.

I tag Ellie, Jodie, Jodes, Superbonus and Shannon!

Saturday, 18 October 2008