Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Kick me while I'm down

So H1 saunters over to me just now, holding out his hand, saying "Look Mum. Something on my thumb. There's something on my thumb." I do my maternal duty and act very interested, looking closely and trying hard to work out what it is. I reach out and use my fingernails to try to remove said object from H1's thumb when he says "Ha ha, I got a boogie!"

Well fuck a duck. Just what I needed to add some cheer. I'll admit, I thought he was much too young for such pranks.

Yay for little boys.

Indulge me, ok?

I've replied to a few blogs today and been a little intrigued to see what sort of compilations the Word Verification comes up with.

I'm blue today. Indulge me by replying (with anything you like) and tell me what your Word Verification is/was.

Onwards and upwards...

Sunday, 18 January 2009

No dessert for me, thanks

No, I'm not on a diet. I just didn't much feel like it. Why? Well, gee. You be the judge.

This was one of the dessert options at the Japanese restaurant I dined at with friends last night.

What on earth were they thinking?!?