Sunday, 18 January 2009

No dessert for me, thanks

No, I'm not on a diet. I just didn't much feel like it. Why? Well, gee. You be the judge.

This was one of the dessert options at the Japanese restaurant I dined at with friends last night.

What on earth were they thinking?!?


TheThingsIdTellYou said...

I can't work out what it is, Renee.

Ellie said...

I wonder if anything came out of the pipe.

Very jealous you got to eat Japanese.

Mothership said...

Did you overlook that pile of chunky chutney, Ellie?

Mel said...

Not feeling sexually frustrated are we?? *hahaha* ... Just kidding! Trust you (lol) to see it left of centre! Loved it!

Jenn said...

Chutney is it?

Why does the word "specimen" come to mind?