Sunday 23 March 2008

Daddies are super heroes

Remember that feeling you had as a child that your daddy could do anything - I mean anything?! He was the guy who had the magical powers to repair all things great and small and there was never a task beyond his capabilities.

At the moment H1 has a bit of a fascination with measuring tapes. His poppy, you see, has a double garage absolutely overflowing with delightful tools and gadgets and H1 would live in there if we allowed it. I'll admit to being tempted to say yes on occasion but regrettably, it's ever so dangerous. I've not enjoyed the measuring tape phase to be quite frank because, let's face it, they're nasty pieces of work. That razor sharp strip of metal snaps back into its housing at the speed of light and the potential for removing ears and dissecting eyeballs is much too great for my liking so...

I purchased a lovely little replica from Crazy Clark's. It does all the same stuff as the ones from Poppy's garage except accidental body modifications - which pleases me greatly. It's small and fits perfectly into my pocket just ready for an emergency diversion at the shops when H1 decides he'd love a family block of Cadbury or fifteen artificially coloured Chupa Chups. He wanders around the house with it, plucking the tape out and letting it go again and thinks he's just the duck's nuts (which he is, of course!) H1 loves his tape measure and as a result, so do I - it's also silent so just when you think things couldn't possibly get any better...

Anyway, I digress. Where was I? Oh yes, daddies, super heroes and all that. So H1 was bumbling about in his room this morning and finally reappeared with something in his hands. He walks over to Fathership, hands him his wares and says (ever so earnestly)...

"Fix, Daddy?" Gotta love the optimism.


Superbonus said...

I bloody well will fix it too. Or maybe buy another one and pretend that I fixed it. We can't have him losing faith in his dad can we?

Ellie said...

Thanks for letting me know about the dangers of tape measures. Coincidently both of my beloved off spring were playing with tape measures yesterday. I was oblivious to potential danger and was just enjoying the peace and quiet it afforded me for 5 mins.

Anonymous said...

Good christ we have the same tape measure, and it met the same fate. Even our three year old realised how stuffed it was, because she actually asked Daddy to get her a new one. Either that or she's actually twigged to her father's handyman skills or lack thereof..

Mothership said...

Ellie: I'll reply to you... Right after I've called DoCS!!! What's the attraction with tape measures anyways?!?

Hissychick: The very same?!? You SO wanna be me, I just know it. Get help. Now.

My two year old has not yet missed his and contrary to what Superbonus has to say, It'll never be in one piece again. I should have married Clark - even if he is crazy.