Wednesday 21 May 2008

I probably wont give up my day job

It occurred to me this morning that H1 doesn't appear to know any songs. I decided it was my parental duty to have him belting one out by day's end. I thought Twinkle Little Star seemed a good choice; he loved it as a baby... I thought wrong.

As I struck up the tune, his little face distorted into what could only be described as discomfort; he really did look ill. Not one to be easily discouraged, I persisted, expecting he might join in at some stage. Unfortunately, the nearer to the end I got, the sicker he looked until he covered his ears and said "Noooo Mummy. Noooo more. I sorry!"

Gee, way to boost a girl's confidence. I'll have him know that the last time I did karaoke, I was encored! He suffers from an utter lack of appreciation for the finer things, clearly.

As far as I'm concerned, he can just spend the rest of his days songless. He doesn't know what he's missing.


Emma said...

I'll hazard a guess that H1 wasn't as drunk as your previous audience! We do sing a lot of nursery rhymes, but James has also learned a lot from wiggles and gracie dvds.

Mothership said...

Well now I do resent the implication that one must be inebriated to appreciate my talents!

We have lots of music stuff here too but I've not noticed him joining in with any lyrics - he's more of a keyboard and drum kinda guy.

Who/what is Gracie?

Anonymous said...

Yeah well I have my own mum tells me to shut up when I sing. Can't tell you how that wounds a child, no wonder I am screwed up!

Trevie (EB)