Tuesday 3 June 2008

I'm really hoping that elephants aren't terribly important in Thailand

Mainly because leaving our local Thai restaurant this evening, I tripped on a little timber one at the entrance and watched, mortified, as he somersaulted out the door and into the gutter.

Tell me I'm not eternally damned or bad feng shui'd forevermore... Please?

Some people really enjoy my clumsiness but I have to say, it's getting old.


Anonymous said...

Sorry but that really did make my LOL. I don't know if they are but if they are so precious they shouldn't leave them in the doorway.

Jodes said...

Well, that depends Mothership - was the elephant's trunk up or down? ;)

Mothership said...

I know Treacy, I would have laughed too - providing it had happened to SOMEONE ELSE! I agree about the placement of him though; most people just use a wooden wedge thingo rather than a hand carved, varnished animal. :(

Mothership said...

Arrrghhhh Jodes, I'm not telling you until you tell me why!!! Surely it counts for something if I didn't mean to?!?

Ellie said...

I assume if it is up he was a happy elephant?