Tuesday 12 February 2008

Dear fellow road user...

  • Green means go. Accelerate and get the fuck out of my way.
  • Indicators are for showing people where the goddamn you're headed.
  • Rain makes the road slippery and visability poor. Drive accordingly.
  • Roundabouts? Well shit... At the very least, indicate left coming off the thing!
  • Red means stop. Just fucking do it.
  • Try to change one lane at a time. It's much safer.
  • Intersections are not the place for overtaking.
  • Speaking of overtaking, that's what the right lane is for - it's not your own little world to dawdle along in all day long.
  • Don't get too close if you're behind me. I will not be bullied by you or anyone else.
  • Just because I drive a Holden and you're in a Ford, does not make me some bogan itching for a drag. Grow the fuck up.
  • Park on the correct side of the road. I believe it's illegal to do otherwise.
  • Try to eat, dress, brush your teeth and shave before you get in the car - please.
Thanks for your attention. Hopefully these little tips wont cause you too much brain strain. Oh and PS, if any of your idiotic actions ever cause any harm to either of my babies, I will kill you with my bare fucking hands.

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